Sunday, April 5, 2020

Musical Analysis free essay sample

Throughout time there have been thousands of composers and millions of pieces of music created by these artists. To list all of these great people would probably take a lifetime to do. So with great pains, I have narrowed my list down to Just five; John Phillip Souza, Johann Sebastian Bach, George Gershwin, Frederic Chopin and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Stars and Stripes Forever by J. P. Souza performed by the U. S. Marine band is a arching tune used by high school, college and military bands. The song has heavy percussion beats to help musicians keep In step with the music. The melody Is very strong so that the band can be heard from a distance. The tone and texture of the piece Is very Blvd and demand attention from the audience while being played. Even though this piece Is demanding and exact, I Like that It flows easily and makes me want to follow along with the band. We will write a custom essay sample on Musical Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Rhapsody in Blue by George Gershwin is a slow yet quick easy listening blues piece. It has complex syncopated rhythmic movement with very little dead areas.It is minor key driven giving the melody more emphasis. The texture has lots of dynamic highs and lows that keep the listener entertained. I like this piece of music because it is suspenseful, but gives away its own answers. I have listened to this piece many times as well as others of Gershwins. He is truly a remarkable composer. The Double Harpsichord Concerto in C Major by J. S. Bach performed by David Garrett Is a relatively smooth Baroque piece. In this arrangement, one of the ripcords Is replaced by a violin.To me, It Is Like listening to a conversation between good friends. They speak to each other so easily and compliment the other one. The tone between the harpsichord and the violin move like a knife through butter. I really like how mellow the rhythm is. I just want to kick back and close my eyes and let the world float away. Revolution Etude in C Minor by Frederic Chopin is a technical masterpiece of the Romantic Era. Both his melody and harmony in this piece is so elaborate that sometimes it is hard to follow along.The tone to me seems kind of dark or violent. It makes me feel like I am in the middle of a melodrama and this is the music for the moustache twirling bad guy. Even though I find it a pleasant piece, I do not find it calming. I feel rather tense and am anticipating the end of the piece, like the end will never come. Last but certainly not least Is the Marriage of Figaro, Clarinet Concerto Move. 1. By W. A. Mozart. This classical piece Is very lighthearted and bouncy. When listening, I can picture ballerinas all over the stage floating through the air.The harmony and of fact and leaves the listener knowing that the story is done. The violins set an upbeat tone that invites the listener to stay longer. I really am fond of this piece and love that when it is over, I am feeling good and I am ready to hear more. It really was very hard to decide who I would critique. I am extremely fond of all these composers and their music. There were so many that needed a voice, but maybe another time. One great pleasure in my life is that I get to hear them regularly as I work, study or play. Musical Analysis free essay sample It was performed by Alden Advertorial (2009). Chopin was a composer In the Romantic period. This is a sad piano piece. Chopin wrote primarily for the piano. The piece range was almost monotone in nature. The sound was in scale rising and lowering using the same melody throughout the piece. The tones were kept uniform repeating over and over again. I found this piece of music one dimensional. It was dark and depressing in nature. It is not music that I would seek out to relax and enjoy.Piece number two was composed by Johannes Brahms POP. 49 No. 4 Wellsville / Lullaby written In the romantic period. This piece was performed by Ads Slovakia Concertmaster (2007), I found this music comforting an familiar. Concertmaster performed this from the original composition on the violin. I played this music to my children and my grandchildren to relax them and put them to sleep, singing the lyrics, as my mother sang to me. We will write a custom essay sample on Musical Analysis or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The melody was arithmetic and soothing to my ears. Johannes Brahms repeated the same tones in the beginning, middle, ending. I was able to discern both the violin and harp in the music, mimicking each other. The lullaby has so many precious memories for me, I cannot help feeling Joy with this music. Moving on to the Classical Period I chose to listen to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Requiem, conducted by Karl Boom (2007). This piece had much more depth in texture and tonality. Mozart raised and lowered the power of the piece using both instrumental diversity and note volume to emphasize the piece. Listening to this piece brought me memories of going to the cathedral with my Grandmother. The inure mass was sung In Latin, so It was the music that led you to understanding the mass.The beginning of the piece was sad changing the tone to almost a jubilation or celebration of life. I enjoyed this piece immensely. My second classical selection is Ludwig Von Beethovens Piano Sonata No. 14 in C-Sharp Minor, performed by Ellison Believable (2010). This is a piano piece with complexity in the melody I find myself feeling melancholy. I cannot help but feel that there was deep sorrow In the person who wrote this music. It Is almost that the person was lost amidst his sorrow. The melody repeats Itself but Is different though out the performance. I almost wanted to find this person and hug them to remove such pain from their life. I was strangely mesmerism, unsure whether to enjoy the music or turn away from the pain. From the Baroque Period I selected one of my favorite pieces, Sebastian Bach Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Pop. 67 (2011). There is a complexity in Bachs compositions that I have not heard in the other composure. I felt energize and excited by this rendition. Bach uses Texture, tonality, melody, and complexity In this piece. The range of emotions changes from moment to moment. It Is whimsical at one moment, changing veracity in a moment notice.

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