Thursday, December 26, 2019

Why Christmas Trees Smell So Good

Is there anything more wonderful than the smell of a Christmas tree? Of course, Im talking about a real Christmas tree rather than an artificial tree. The fake tree may have an odor, but its not coming from a healthy mix of chemicals. Artificial trees release residues from flame retardants and plasticizers. Contrast this with the aroma of a freshly cut tree, which may not be all that healthy either, but certainly smells nice. Curious about the chemical composition of Christmas tree aroma? Here are some of the key molecules responsible for the smell Key Takeaways: Christmas Tree Smell The aroma of a live Christmas tree depends on the tree species. Three of the key fragrance molecules found in many conifers are alpha-pinene, beta-pinene, and bornyl acetate.Other molecules include the terpenes limonene, myrcene, camphene, and alpha-phellandrene.Other plants produce some of these chemicals. Examples include peppermint, thyme, citrus, and hops. ÃŽ ±-Pinene and ÃŽ ²-Pinene Pinene (C10H16) occurs in two enantiomers, which are molecules that are mirror images of each other. Pinene belongs to a class of hydrocarbons known as terpenes. Terpenes are released by all trees, although conifers are particularly rich in pinene. ÃŽ ²-pinene has a fresh, woody fragrance, while ÃŽ ±-pinene smells a bit more like turpentine. Both forms of the molecule are flammable, which is part of why Christmas trees are incredibly easy to burn. These molecules are volatile liquids at room temperature, releasing most of the characteristic Christmas tree smell. Alpha-pinene is an organic molecule produced by conifers. LAGUNA DESIGN / Getty Images An interesting side note about pinene and other terpenes is that plants partially control their environment using these chemicals. The compounds react with air to produce aerosols that act as nucleation points or seeds for water, promoting cloud formation and conferring a cooling effect. The aerosols are visible. Have you ever wondered why the Smoky Mountains actually appear smoky? Its from the living trees, not campfires! The presence of terpenes from trees also affects weather and cloud formation over other forests and around lakes and rivers. Bornyl Acetate Bornyl acetate (C12H20O2) is sometimes called heart of pine because it produces a rich odor, described as balsamic or camphorous. The compound is an ester found in pine and fir trees. Balsam firs and silver pines are two types of fragrant species rich in bornyl acetate that are often used for Christmas trees. Other Chemicals in Christmas Tree Smell The cocktail of chemicals that produces Christmas tree smell depends on the species of tree, but many conifers used for Christmas trees also waft odors from limonene (a citrus scent), myrcene (a terpene partly responsible for the aroma of hops, thyme, and cannabis), camphene (a camphor smell), and ÃŽ ±-phellandrene (peppermint and citrus-smelling monoterpene). Why Doesnt My Christmas Tree Smell? Just having a real tree doesnt guarantee your Christmas tree will smell Christmas-y! The fragrance of the tree depends primarily on two factors. The first is the health and hydration level of the tree. A freshly cut tree is typically more fragrant than one that was cut some time ago. If the tree isnt taking up water, its sap wont be moving, so very little scent will be released. Ambient temperature matters, too, so a tree outdoors in the cold wont be as fragrant as one at room temperature. The second factor is the species of tree. Different types of tree produce different scents, plus some kinds of tree retain their fragrance after being cut better than others. Pine, cedar, and hemlock all retain a strong, pleasing smell after they have been cut. A fir or spruce tree may not have as strong a smell or may lose its scent more quickly. In fact, some people strongly dislike the odor of spruce. Others are downright allergic to the oils from cedar trees. If youre able to select the species of your Christmas tree and the smell of the tree is important, you might want to review tree descriptions by the National Christmas Tree Association, which includes characteristics such as odor. If you have a living (potted) Christmas tree, it wont produce a strong smell. Less odor is released because the tree has an undamaged trunk and branches. You can spritz the room with Christmas tree fragrance if you want to add that special aroma to your holiday celebration.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The International Business Machines Corporation - 2503 Words

The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM) is an American multinational technology and consulting company. IBM holds a highly diversified product and service portfolio and despite that some of its operations breach into different industries - ranging from global business services to global financing business - its core business lies within the information technology services industry. Within its core business the firm manufactures and markets computer hardware, software and offers infrastructure and consulting services in vast areas such as nanotechnology and cloud computing. The company was founded in 1911 through a merger of three companies and now has its headquarters in Armonk, New York. IBM holds 435,000 employees†¦show more content†¦The newly crafted business model shed commodity business and instead centered around high-margin opportunities, resulting in pervading divestment of low-margin industries. The company regained business initiative by building upon the decision to keep the company whole, IBM unleashed a global services business that rapidly became a leading technology integrator and also invested heavily in software development. (DiCarlo, â€Å"How Lou Gerstner†) On later years IBM have struggled with declining revenues and only met profitability goals by cutting its operational costs. The weak revenue growth has affected the price-levels of the firms stock negatively. To maintain the price of its stock IBM has implemented several large-scale buyback plans reducing the numbers of shares outstanding, a strategy used to boost stock price in the short-term. The number of shares outstanding as of Q1 2015 was 988.42m, which could be contrasted with the 1.675bn shares outstanding as of Q2 2004 to emphasize the extent of the firms’ stock repurchases. As a result, the IBM stock has fluctuated steadily around its current price level of $180 over the last four years. This period was preceded by two years (2009-2011) where the stock price rose heavily from prices around $100, levels which it had fluctuated around since the early 2000’s. This synthetic way of controlling the stock

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Einstein for Aspergers free essay sample

Einstein a Case Study for Aspergers Christina Parker PSY 410 February 6, 2012 Dr. Melda Jones Einstein a Case Study for Aspergers Mental illness has existed as long as humans have, but only in the last hundred years or so have psychologist started to truly understand mental illness. There is still much, that is unknown about mental illness and human behavior. One mental disorder that was added to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) in 1994 is Asperger’s Disorder. This disorder is usually diagnosed in early childhood, but in Albert Einstein’s time Asperger’s Disorder was unknown. Einstein had many of the diagnostic criteria for Asperger’s Disorder but was not diagnosed. Einstein was quiet and withdrawn, but had an amazing mind for mathematics. In comparison, Temple Grandin was diagnosed with Asperger’s Disorder and has many of the same mannerisms as Einstein. Overview of Asperger’s Disorder’s History Dr. Hans Asperger studied children that acted differently from others in the 1940s. Dr. Asperger called these children â€Å"Little Professors† because they were so interesting. In 1980s Dr. Lorna Wing called children with Asperger’s (AS) high-functioning autism individuals. In 1994, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) added AS. Asperger’s Syndrome (ASD) is a distinct group of neurological conditions characterized by greater or lesser degrees of impairment in language and communication skills with repetitive or restrictive patterns of thoughts and behaviors. There is no known cause or treatment for AS. The parents of children with AS often by or before the child’s third birthday sense that something is amiss in his or her child’s behavior or developmental skills. Two out of 10,000 children statistically diagnosed with AS or ASD. Boys are three to four times more likely than girls to have AS or ASD. The children exhibit delayed psychomotor skills (crawling and walking), and have problems with communicating and socializing with other children. AS children have an obsession with one topic or interests excluding other topics and interests. AS children have a formal speech that lacks rhythm and modulation. AS children appear clumsy when they walk and may have delayed motor skills (catching a ball, pedaling a bike, and other skills). The cause of AS or ASD is unknown but is thought to be genetic because AS tends to run in families. The part of the brain that controls social behavior functions differently or develops differently from other children without AS. The part of the brain that controls body movements and balance are also different in AS children than other children. ASD is a high-functioning autism disorder. Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome Explained There is no known cause of autism. Research today is using MRI imaging to determine how the Autism brain is structured. Dr. Grandin explains her condition like this: The brain is an office; the frontal lobe is the office manager. The other compartments of the brain are like the many departments in an office. The office departments do not communicate well between the other offices such as sales, product development, management, and so on. The autistic brain has to be understood and trained in a way that works best for the individual. No one treatment works for every autistic individual. Finding what motivates the individual’s fear and helping the individual to overcome or change the environment to a less chaotic one will help the individual to learn and progress. Autistic individuals do not understand facial expressions or tone changes in voices. Behavioral issues such as defecation and twitching are common with Asperger’s and Autism. Individuals with Asperger’s Syndrome are high-end functioning Autistic individuals. To understand Autism and Asperger’s Syndrome, Dr. Grandin suggests that people move away from language. The nonverbal child does not understand language. The nonverbal child is sensory-based and has a complex disorder that is based on sights, sounds, smells, and touch. Cultivating the way the individual’s method of thinking will prevent fear that causes anxieties will help the individual progress. Autistic individuals have high IQs and the ability to concentrate on one subject for a long time. Most autistic individuals are gifted in math, sciences, computers, tables, astrology, and other nonsocial areas that rely on thinking skills. A Look at Einstein and Grandin Albert Einstein Albert Einstein was born in 1879 to Hermann and Pauline Einstein (a middle-class German-Jewish family). Einstein scarcely spoke and was quiet more than backward as a young child. His sister remembers his concentration and ability to build tall houses and multiple storied levels of playing card houses. At age 4 or 5 Einstein marveled at how a magnetic compass needle invariably swung northward. This caused Einstein to conclude that something invisible was behind everything sparking his interest in Physics at a young age. As late as age nine Einstein was hesitant to speak, and did so pausing to select his words carefully. His parents feared that he was below average in intelligence. At the age of 12 Einstein’s love for mathematics and physics was sparked by a booklet on Euclidian Plane Geometry. This booklet proved to Einstein that there was a lucidity and certainty in theory and made an impression on him permanently. School depended on memorization and arbitrary authority of the teachers and faculty and was not conducive to Einstein’s way of learning. At 15 Einstein quit school and moved to Italy with his family where his family was trying to start a business. He studied Mathematics, Physics, and Philosophy at home. His uncle, an engineer, and a medical student who ate with his family once a week are credited with stimulating Einstein’s young mind. Was Einstein’s brain different? Einstein died in 1955 and gave his brain to science. A pathologist named Thomas Harvey quickly preserved his brain, and made samples, and sections. Pathologists Harvey concluded that other than Einstein’s brain seeming smaller than most brains, his was not unusual. Sandra F. Witelson and colleagues studied Einstein’s brain again in 1999, and discovered that it lacked a wrinkle found in other brains (the parietal operculum), and other regions on each side of Einstein’s brain appeared to be larger and unusual features in the inferior parietal lobes thought to be the area of visual imagery and mathematical thinking. This concludes that Einstein’s brain was more equipped by this region than most individuals. Does this prove or disprove that Einstein had Asperger’s? There is no conclusive historical evidence to determine if Einstein had Asperger’s. What we do know is Einstein was capable of deep concentration, and had perseverance. He graduated without distinction, his learning style and the school learning system of his time did not get along. He sought physics because he could seek out paths that led to the depths. In other words Einstein preferred to be free to think on the invisible things behind things. It was Einstein’s ability to think deeply on physics that put him first in the race to the theory in relativity. Einstein made friends with colleagues like Marcel Grossman, Michele Besso, Paul Ehrenfest, and Freidrich Adler. His wife Mileva Maric was the only female in his physics class. Even though Einstein renounced his German citizenship when he left Germany for Italy, he could not resist the invitation to Berlin’s Prussian Academy of Sciences, he had no teaching duties and access to the greatest scientific minds of his day. Fame in physics starved and destroyed his marriage to his wife Mileva, and then divorced in 1919. The same year of his divorce Einstein married his cousin whom he had an affair with since 1914 and settled with Elsa Lowenthal and her two daughters until his death in 1955. Einstein as a young boy, a young teen, a young man, and an older man (Image  © The Albert Einstein Archives, The Jewish National University Library, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. ) Temple Grandin Dr. Temple Grandin was thought to be different by her Mother from a very early age. At two Dr. Grandin could not speak and exhibited behavioral issues. Her Father and consulted doctors wanted to put Dr. Grandin in an institution. Dr. Grandin’s Mother would not have her daughter put in an institution. Instead, Dr. Grandin’s Mother sent her daughter to private schools and to private speech therapy. Dr. Grandin was teased as a child in school. Dr. Temple states that early intervention is vital to best outcomes in autistic children. According to Dr. Grandin there are three types of Autism thinkers: Visual, Pattern, and Word. Visual thinkers are terrible at algebra and good at geometry. Pattern thinkers have difficulty with reading. Word thinkers are good with facts in favorite subjects. Dr. Grandin thinks in pictures, sees a series of slides like a search engine. During her lecture Dr. Grandin was tired from air travel and this caused her to lose train of thought if movement or noises were made by audience. Dr. Grandin explained that she cannot screen out the sensory issues that trigger her distractions. Dr. Grandin admits to having panic attacks, and anxiety. Anti-depressants help autistic individuals overcome anxiety, panic attacks, and OCD issues. Dr. Grandin correlates animal behaviors and fears with autism and how people handle animals also can be used to handle autistic individuals. When Dr. Grandin was born her parents were told she had infantile schizophrenia. Since her birth two Doctors one in the United States named Dr. Leo Canner and one in Canada named Dr. Asperger began studying children who displayed certain characteristics: no facial expression, lack of social skills, the ability to concentrate on one subject, and certain other emotional, cognitive, and behavioral components. Dr. Grandin was born in Boston, Mass. on August 29, 1947. Dr. Grandin has earned degrees from Franklin Pierce College, Arizona State University, University of Illinois, and has earned Honorary Doctorates from McGill University, University of Illinois, and Duke University. The United States and Canada Meat Plants use Dr. Grandin’s equipment designs developed for Animal Welfare Guidelines. Dr. Grandin’s focus of study is in alleviating anxiety of intense fear and hypersensitivities to sound in Human and Animal populations. Dr. Grandin wrote autobiographies of her life with autism, which amazed the autistic community (Thinking in Pictures and Other Reports from My Life with Autism- 1995, and Emergence: Labeled Autistic – 1986). Dr. Grandin, has acquired many awards, lectures all over the United States, was inducted into the Cowgirl Hall of Fame and is a member of the board of directors Autism Society of America. Dr. Grandin has developed her own website: www. grandin. com to communicate with people on the subject of autism, and animal handling. Humane groups recognize Dr. Grandin’s work to alleviate animal fears, and her biography featured on HBO has won several Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe, and Peabody Award in 2011. Dr. Grandin has written several books, chapter books, journals, and other publications proving that people with Asperger’s and Autism can succeed. Conclusion There is so much that humanity does not know about human behavior and mental illness, but psychology continues to make advancements in the area. Asperger’s Disorder is just one example of how psychology has advanced. In Einstein’s time there was not a name for his â€Å"weird quirks†, but by the time Temple Grandin was born these similar â€Å"quirks† were known as Asperger’s Disorder. Einstein was brilliant in mathematics and similar fields of study, but could not form true intimate bonds with other people. Dr. Grandin was also brilliant but in another area of study and she also cannot form true intimate bonds with people.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Speech analysis Freedom or Death free essay sample

This speech is an argumentative discourse, pronounced by Emmeline Pankhurst, in November 1913, to present and intensify the need that women have to keep a combative spirit in order to give their free viewpoint and being part of public affairs on American society. The analyse is going to consider the historical significance of the speech and it is setting up the meaning or significance of it by clarifying for what specific reasons the speech was intended. In addition to this, it is analysing the goals of Pankhurst, the speech value, emotional appeals or morphosyntactic structure among others characteristics. It takes place in Hartford, Connecticut, located next to Boston, cradle of American Revolution where had sparked first revolt which broke from British Empire, in 1783. She exploits that to suggest they should use this historical fact to evoke a successful reference which could be applied to the womens suffragette struggle. At the end of 1913, when the speech is given, womens vote is not yet obtained in England, it would have to wait fifteen years for granting all women the vote in the same terms as men. We will write a custom essay sample on Speech analysis: Freedom or Death or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In a similar way, this is not going to happen before 1920 in the United States of America with the Nineteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which provided the right of vote shall not be denied on account of sex. Before that takes effect, at the beginning of 1913, British suffrage movement had inspired The Woman Suffrage Parade which brought the issue of voting rights for women to the forefront of national discussion. At this time, suffragettes had many detractors. Emmeline Pankhurst was a woman from upper-class whose public activity began after founding Womens Social and Political Union in favour of women rights as citizens. She makes this speech after she had been released from prison a few days before in England after having been in jail because of the Cat and Mouse Act. Despite this opposition she kept going. It had been one of many political arrests she lives during her militancy because of the defence of gender equality. She address mainly American women by urging her to struggle in the purpose of making audible their claims. Women long to emancipation but in a male-dominated society where women were often brought up to identify with men, to see mens views and rights as paramount, and so its not surprising that many women oppose their own liberation. By the same token,there were a number of thriving anti-suffrage groups, she makes an unmistakable statement aimed at her opponents. She threaten them with not giving up on their objectives to death if that was necessary. She express disapproval of this law because of over the course of the militant campaign, around 1000 suffragettes were imprisoned in the United Kingdom and many went on hunger strike and had to contend with the torturous process of force feeding. Throughout the speech, it is being discussed the belief that women, as human beings, should not be excluded from political system. Moreover, she justifies violent actions should be regarded and taking into account as a result of several government repressions. She shares more of her personal opinions in order to better express the importance of the American womens participation to reach a particular goal, such as a change in laws and politics. It is a persuasive speech which try to change women attitude from a static position to a dynamic behaviour. It is recognizable that Pankhurst is willing to convince the hearer of her point of view. Thus, she constructs a discourse by stating the problem, describing the current solution to the problem and offering her alternative solution. Furthermore, it is clear she have found out about the audience and their historical circumstances which help her to maintain some links between her speech and audience interests. According to technical analysis to persuade or influence the hearer, it could be considered the following tools used by Pankhurst: Rhythm is patterned for many keys. She uses long and subordinate sentences to speak about subjective opinions and feelings , for instance, at the beginning of the speech, when she is making her position clear inside the suffragette movement. Nevertheless, she takes care of using short sentences which gives a fast-paced rhythm and avoids the dispersion and monotony, such as â€Å"They couldnt vote the legislature out. They would have to choose. † She uses short as well as long argumentative paragraphs which provide a varied rhythm. It is not used many of coordinating conjunction (and,but) to support the long sentences. Instead of this, she tends to use relative pronouns which help to develop reasoning around her ideas, such as â€Å"I want to say to you who think women cannot succeed† or â€Å"there is a good deal of warfare for which men take a great deal of glorification which has involved more practical sacrifice on women than it has on any man. It always has been so â€Å" She makes a great use of copulative verbs, e. g. â€Å"I am here†, â€Å"I do not come here†, â€Å"It has become†. which give it a declarative character. Most of the discourse is told in the first person by making her own use of dialectic, she express quite clearly her own opinion with the pronoun I, equally, she uses we because it supports her aim about a more united movement. Also, it has been used the second person in order to make more personal involvements. It is remarkable that it is not used many adjectives which are used are objective and descriptive, having a tendency to specific adjectives like â€Å"British soil† Pankhurst uses the speech to compare the womens vote movement to other national and international uprisings unrelated to her topic. Consequently, she mentions the non-violent political protest such as the Boston Tea Party or the Chartism, a working-class movement for political reform in Britain. Otherwise, she uses powerful metaphors to lead the hearer to conclude that they should view suffering as an inevitable part of the battle, for instance, she identify the struggle as a noisy baby who wants to be fed. In the same way, she urges women to be clamorous with their own resources. Also, she applies a simile when she says â€Å"you cannont make omelettes without breaking eggs† with which she explains they can not accomplish in battle if they do not damage to something. She uses a wide, cultivate and easy to understand vocabulary. With reference to express ideas, it is a distinctive speech which keep coherence. Every idea is strictly developed in every paragraph. In the speech, there are sentences that evoke strong emotions and feelings such as the headline â€Å"Freedom or death† or â€Å"they will have to choose between giving us freedom or giving us death† which want to inspire women to make a positive change despite radical oppositions . In the conclusion, she achieve by the speech to make perfectly understandable why a current sacrifice is so important for the future women generations, even if it is ended in disaster. She also says that no matter how fierce struggle could be or how many times they were sabotaged, they have to keep going and succeed. After hearing the speech, you feel that it has been gained a hopeful and optimistic idea; there will be many of possibilities for women if they reach this rewarding objective in spite of enemies. This is a great war between any social class women against a legislation which wants to exclude women rights from laws.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Gender and Leadership Essays

Gender and Leadership Essays Gender and Leadership Essay Gender and Leadership Essay Regarding Gender and Leadership: Why do you think that some multinationals nevertheless tend not to give serious consideration to female candidates for managerial positions In, for example, the Middle East? and post your discussion to this thread- Module 5. Read the answers posted by others. Leadership styles differ from one region to another. Living In India I know that there are more gender biasness In a business situation there as opposed to Canada. You will see gender biasness in a lot of developing and emerging economies. Being from an Asian aground, I know in our culture, the society restricts and tells you that there are certain Jobs for women and certain Jobs for men. For example, most parents in the Asian culture will not be supporting of their daughter going into an army because that is not a Job for a girl to do. There is even a great animation movie called Manual that portrays the gender discrimination, although things are a bit more liberal now. Additionally, in a situation where there are male and female candidates for a managerial position In for example, Canada or United States then chances are that omen and men will be given equal consideration based on their education and experience because thats the societal norm and the law, obviously keeping In mind the Industry. There are certain Industries that men do well In and certain Industries that women do better In. For example, we have more male engineers than female engineers in Canada(Hang, D. 2013. However, if we stick with the example of Middle Eastern countries, we know that it is mostly a very male dominated society and they have a very patriarchal society. The gender norm constraints are strict, and he social and cultural norms highly dictate the dos and dont of everyday conduct. They reflect elements of a patriarchal society in which men and women are partners but with different roles. (World Bank. 2013). Mens role is to be the bread winner in the family and the wom en are supposed to stay home to do a good Job and take care of the family. This Is evident in the various statistics. : One of the facts are that only one In four women In MEAN(Middle Eastern and Northern Africa) are employed or looking for work, which Is half the global rate. For young women rates of unemployment are as high as 40 percent(Hole, A. 2013. ). In spite of measures being taken to reduce the gender inequality gap, especially gender inequality in terms of education has largely been eliminated over the years, however, the gaps in employment rate are still very high. In Saudi Arabia, for example, Saudi women accounted for less than 1 percent of the private-sector workforce in 2009. Women from Qatar made up 2. Percent of that countrys workforce, public and private, in 2008. (Acquire, D. Et al. 2011 . ) The major reason for his is the societal norms and gender discrimination can be caused because all Arab countries have in place family laws also known as personal status codes that confer upon women the status of dependent and minor with respect to marriage, divorce, child custody, and Inheri tance. Because of these family laws, states that have signed the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women have done so with significant reservations. Although the sexual division of the Arab countries. Women remain associated primarily with their family roles, and a mind of patriarchal gender contract prevails across the region (Monogram, V. 2004. ). Of course, the degree of inequality differs to some extent in different regions. Women are sometimes considered legal minors who require permission from their male relatives in order to travel, work. There are less women executives and entrepreneurs in the middle eastern countries also because of this requirement for permission to travel can be considered as a hurdle that alters their ability to conduct any business efficiently and is a barrier to their mobility(World Bank. 13) something that is critical in todays business world. In terms of leadership style, under ICC countries(Gulf cooperation council), if we take Saudi Arabia as an example, they score 60(The Hefted Centre: Saudi Arabia) on the masculinity and femininity dimension indicating a high score, and therefore are a masculine society where focus is on the task and leads on t he basis of masculine leadership style. In other words, a transactional leadership style which is the opposite of a transformational leadership style that is typically associated with the elation-oriented behavior. This relation-oriented behavior is further associated with the feminine leadership style that focuses on the welfare of others, democratic and relationships focused. Women are generally stereotyped to have feminine leadership style leading to gender stereotypes by the sub-ordinates. This could be another one of the reasons why in middle eastern countries women are not given serious consideration for managerial positions because they think that women will not have the appropriate masculine leadership style that is required. Additionally, n a study conducted in Prince Sultan University, it was found that there was a bias in male Saudi students who thought that men had more leadership skills and abilities than women. Not surprisingly, women agreed that men had more leadership skills, qualities and behavior as well. (International conference. 2009. ) This cultural norm also allows multinationals to discriminate against female candidates because if both majority of women and men agree that men have better leadership qualities, chances are male candidates will get preference over female candidates. Moreover, s mentioned above that Middle Eastern countries run on a male dominated society, it was evident through research that most men were not willing to give up the idea of them being in charge. To add to that point, even if there are other countries amongst the middle eastern countries that do have feminine style of leadership under Greet Hypotheses masculine dimension, having a woman leader in a company is rare and typically a woman is only allowed to work if she can handle both family and work, family being the priority. References Hang, D. (2013, December 18).

Saturday, November 23, 2019

buy custom Milestone 2 First Draft Cyberschool essay

buy custom Milestone 2 First Draft Cyberschool essay Introduction In the current global market, Cyber Schools are on the increase and this is attributed to the fact that nowadays many schools have opted to adopt the online service provision because of the current trends in technology. Furthermore, such schools are assisting students and their families from the struggles that may be arising from the need to meet the requirement to pay for tuition. Cyber schools, which are also known as virtual schools or just online schools, are considered to be tuition-free educational institutions where everything is entirely based on the Internet. In the United States, cyber schools are approved by the state and they are designed in a way that will allow different students attain public school education just from their homes, and it may even start from as low as pre-kindergarten to 12th grade level (Patriot-News Editorial Board, 2009). Therefore, this research study assumes that Cyber Schools way of teaching is considered to be the most effective and efficient wa y of educating students within the current world. Cyber school attractions In this form of learning, students are normally allowed to posses a personal computer, enough learning textbooks, a high-speed Internet connection, and other educational resources that will assist them in effectively completing their assignments in time. Majority of cyber schools in the United States are recognized and even present a more thorough and precise curriculum when compared with the traditional brick-and-mortar learning institution. In this case, a learning management system is an online portal that assists students in submitting their completed assignments. The Faculty and staff members in cyber schools consist of state-certified tutors who normally correspond with their students by the use of Web chat, telephone and/ or electronic mails. Attending classes does not go like the traditional brick-and-mortar learning institution, but in this case students are taught by the use of a computerized format that is comparable to the video-chat program Skype. This format enables students to have a better interaction with their teachers and also one another on virtual mode (Craver, 2002). Student privacy is an aspect that fundamental in the overall success of the student in educational realm, and in this case it has to involve with the access to confidential data and security information. With introduction of Cyber schools in the current market, this is an aspect that is enhanced in both schools and homes. Where the accss to such information and data is only guaranteed when the right password is provided as requested. Internet accessibility and its application is a better way to do research as it becomes easier to carry out research in regards to various projects that relates to class work. Projects requiring an intensive research on information like history reports, bibliographies, and different literature pieces, can effectively be worked on by the use of the Internet, especially during study time at school and/ or home (Marzano, 2003). Cyber schools have also proved to be effective when it comes to updating student by their tutors on the current issues and events, especially when teaching social studies or history. This helps in keeping the class updated with the current events in the world. Internet accessibility at home or school allows student to frequently access their mails and other personal web pages. Cyber school distractions All a long Cyber schools have always been considered to be the best mode of offering education to students, but as time goes by, there are a number of distractions that are connected with the aspect of investing so much in this mode. First, the aspect of self-motivation is always at stake, since students are not obligated to attend classes when turning in their assignments, it may be difficult for them to comprehensively complete and hand in their assignments within the required time frame. When not motivated, one is more likely to relapse in studies and probably sink completely. Secondly, success in education comes with how a student is well organized both at home and school, and this can be achieved by ensuring that one is all material and resources needed are kept well. Sharing of computers can cause major interruptions in study, where books and notes used for certain projects may turn out to being misplaced (Marzano, 2003). Another issue that is found within the mode of Cyber schools is the aspect of having slow response. In this case, a student may sometime have questions for the tutor, but the problem may arise when responses are delayed due to unknown reasons. This is normally the beginning frustrations and confusion for students and in the end will always have a negative impact on the overall capability and capacity of a student. Despite the fact that most of the cyber classrooms have turned out to be more interactive, especially through chats and different forums, most students are prone to feel a sense of seclusion, since there are no social gatherings for them to enjoy together, and this another problem that ccan be caused while at school or just from home (Craver, 2002). There are other distraction received in the cases of Cyber schools, which are possession of IPods, cell phones, music, television, friends, and wanting to visit other non-educational websites for personal reasons. Parental controls over Cyber Schools Cyber schools offer the best chance for students to get access to a lot of material through surfing the net and other online resources, but this is an act that can either build a student or destroy him or her completely. Therefore, a control mechanism is supposed to be put in place to ensure that one is only restricted to certain sites over the Internet, and this is supposed to start right from home, where explicit materials are blocked and no one will be able to access them. Involvement parents in controlling the use of the Internet will also help in ensuring that electronic mails received and sent are effectively controlled, and this will also assist in blocking of spam mails, which may turn out to be more for distraction (Marzano, 2003). On the other hand, controlling of Internet application by parents may completely take trust away from student and in the end have a negative impact to their relationship with their parents. Again in the process of blocking various sites and materials, one might end up blocking wrong material of which may be of help to the student. Therefore, this is a process that needs to be clearly looked into before everything is carried against it, especially when considering the best impact it has caused in the current educational system (Marzano, 2003). Societies View on Cyber School The benefits of Cyber schools has greatly played a significant role in enhancing views of the society that student comes towards the effectiveness of the highlighted mode of learning. The society is able to understand that the system is aimed at incorporating better and faster learning processes within the overall learning process. In this way, educational tax collected from education procedures will be lowered and thus turning out to be advantageous to many families, especially when it comes to spending of finances. The society is also witnessing the cases of less violence being reported as many students are not faced with issues that may distract them and probably cause havoc (Patriot-News Editorial Board, 2009). Therefore, the society has welcomed the idea with an open mind and is ready to support it for the purpose enhancing learning process in the whole continent. Buy custom Milestone 2 First Draft Cyberschool essay

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Contemporary issues in travel and tourism Assignment

Contemporary issues in travel and tourism - Assignment Example Tourism has emerged to be one the fastest growing economic sectors in many countries. For instance, in Costa Rica, tourism has been serving as the largest foreign exchange earner since 1995. The natural attractions such as Poas Volcano Crater and Cocos Island have enhanced the growth of the sector in Costa Rica. Since the year 1999, tourism in Costa Rica has earned more foreign exchange than agricultural product exportation in the country (Jawahar 2009, p. 268). Despite the tourism sector being the leading foreign exchange source, it also brings consequences such as terrorism and security, health and safety impacts, and negative social and cultural impacts in the country. Current issues affecting tourism in Costa Rica Insecurity issue There are many current issues affecting travel and tourism in Costa Rica, which include insecurity and natural hazards such as earthquakes. The problem of insecurity in Costa Rica towards tourists may pose a greater negative impact to tourism in the country. Costa Rica hopes to make billions of revenue from the travel and tourism sector this year, so travelling to Costa Rica is very imperative to sustain the country’s economy (Costa Rica News 2011). Tourists should be aware of the current possible insecurity matters in the country. Terrorist attacks in the country occur randomly anytime and anywhere. Examples of these attacks include suicide bombs, car bombs, kidnappings, and shootings. Therefore, tourists should be aware that there is an increment in the number of crimes around the entire country including pick pocketing and stealing of passports (Costa Rica News 2011).... Ecotourism in the country helps in provision of political, social, and economical funds, educate travelers, directly benefits local communities’ political empowerment and economic development, and ensure protection of different cultural practices and human rights. â€Å"Take the only memories and leave only footprints† is a common slogan used in Costa Rica in protected places (Costa Rica 2013). However, tourist destinations in Costa Rica are shifting carbon free area following the trend of tourists being more focused in environmentally responsible hence adopting a sustainable tourism (Donald 2005). Task 2 Key statistics of tourist for the last five years in Costa Rica Costa Rica remains to be the most visited country in Central American States, with 2.2 million tourists in the year 2011. The total of tourists touring the destination surpassed the two million landmarks in the year 2008 representing 54% U.S. tourist visiting Costa Rica. Due to the combined global economic crisis and the flu epidemic, this occurred in the year 2009, lead to a reduction of the number of tourists in 2009 to 1.9 million visitors. This was a reduction of 8% percent compared to the turn up in 2008. In the year 2010, the number of tourists rose to 2.1 million, barely breaking the record of 2008. An historical record was set in the year 2012 with 2.34 million tourists visiting Costa Rica, a 6.9% increase over the year 2011. The global tourist receipts increased to 2.4 billion dollars in the year 2012, and the leading country of origin was United States with a total of 864,340 visitors, Nicaragua in 474,011tourists being the second, and Canada with 136,261 visitors. Emerging trends in terms of product services offered The Costa Rica tourism composes of visible actors-like airlines and hotels,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

An Anomaly Detection Scheme for prevention of collaborative attacks Dissertation

An Anomaly Detection Scheme for prevention of collaborative attacks - Dissertation Example These systems can be networks, ISP core or P2P systems. Some of the attackers that can collaborate to paralyze a system include, Denial of Messages attacks in which corrupt nodes interfere with radio signals of the genuine nodes thus preventing them from receiving messages. Secondly, Sybil attacks in which users acquire multiple fake identities, controls various nodes of the system, and eventually controls its decisions. Finally malicious flooding where a malicious node floods the system with messages. These attackers have various characteristics that lead to inefficiency of a system. They can cause disruptions at short intervals making the system very slow to respond to any action or they can concentrate at various nodes to cause confusion to the anomaly detection system that is in place. An anomaly is the unusual or unexpected behaviors in an information system .Anomalies violate the security policies of a system and they need early detection and counteraction else, they translate into real life negative situations. An anomaly detection scheme is a technical mechanism used to protect a computer infrastructure from attacks. Recently, there are several attack detection schemes. In order to benefit fully from, the anomaly detection concept, there should be additional security features like the authentication and access control protocols. An attack Detection System is a very important part of the entire system when developed with security in mind. The Anomaly Detection Schemes is not a new concept but it is in various applications with a promise of viable results. Lazarevic et al. (2003) compared various Anomaly Detection Schemes in a network to perform execution of data that was suspicious. Most of the organizations have adopted a system that suits them in detection and prevention of attacks .An example of such a system is the Intrusion Prevention System, which is very useful in preventing the Distributed Denial of Service attacks. Detection and prevention of th e collaborative attacks depends on several factors. Another such system is the STAND system, which is an improved version of CAD sensors discussed later in the prose. Change in time domain: All detection schemes require enough time for discovery of the attack and reaction to it. The attacks can be automatic, manual or semi-automatic. Automatic attacks leave no communication duration to the machine that is about to take place. The time parameters that determine the effect of an attack are reaction time; detection time and the response time. Many of the attackers make use of slow time dynamics of transmission time out. Here the attacker sends short-term bursts. In order to overcome the attackers in good time, there should be a means for real-time attack classification and a defense mechanism. This means that data mining by the detection system should be real-time, putting into consideration efficiency, accuracy, and usability, (Axelsson, 1999). To ensure high accuracy in a short time, data mining process uses programs that analyze the data and at the same time distinguish between genuine actions and malicious attacks. To ensure high efficiency, the costs of the extracted features are calculated and the cost approach is useful in production of efficient detection model. Usability improvement is by adapting algorithms that that facilitate fast updating of the system to enhance quick attack detection (Barbara et al., 2001; Barbara et al., 2002). Audit data analysis and mining (ADAM) is the system that proposes use of data

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Frankenstein V Bladerunner Essay Example for Free

Frankenstein V Bladerunner Essay In what ways does a comparative study accentuate the distinctive contexts of Frankenstein and Blade Runner? The comparative study of texts, allows audiences to investigate the changing nature and interpretation of issues relating to humanity as they are interpreted in different contexts. Context allows audiences to relate to and understand the thoughts, decisions and actions of individuals within a text. Context provides the opportunity to develop and shape a new genre or interpret an existing genre in a new way. The comparative study of context allows for audiences to compare the changing values of societies over time. Literary techniques such as allusions, imagery and dialogue is used to shape context and can be used by composers to entertain, inform or persuade an audience or highlight and provide insight into interesting or noteworthy points. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1831) and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (Directors Cut-1992) individually utilise literary techniques to establish the context of their text within its time. The comparative study of these two texts highlights how texts are inevitably a product of their time however both texts present issues that explore the intricacies and complexities of all human experience. Shelley and Scott utilise distinctive contexts to explore the nature of humanity and ultimately question what makes us human. Frankenstein and Blade Runner exist to highlight how context affects the perceptions of the audience in regards to how a text is received over time thus highlighting how a comparative study of texts can accentuate distinctive contexts. The comparative study of texts depends on the context used to establish a relationship with the audience. Mary Shelley’s fiction novel Frankenstein (1831) is a hybrid product of 18th century Gothic-Romanticism. The text reflects recent challenges to the social order as a result of the English industrial revolution and the French revolution during the second half of the 18th century which highlighted the empowerment of the working class. Frankenstein is a work of epistolary prose fiction that is explored through multiple narrators such as the ‘monster’, Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton. Frankenstein exists as a didactic tale that explores the morality of trying to subvert god thus providing a lesson in patriarchal hubris highlighting the arrogance of scientific discovery without any consideration of the moral or ethical implications. Frankenstein consequently explores the nature of obsession in undermining parental and moral responsibility and evoking fear in the creation-fear of the world, fear of man. Subsequently the leading antagonist of Blade Runner, Roy Batty, further elucidates the arrogance of obsession as he explains his plight, stating, ‘Quite an experience to live in fear, isnt it? Thats what it is to be a slave†. Batty provides insight into the failure of creators to understand the emotional development of the creation which leads to its isolation and fear, causing the ensuing destruction of the ‘natural order’. Frankenstein utilises the characterisation of Victor, ‘I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature’ to explore the obsession for knowledge that formed part of Shelley’s context. The text therefore reflects the influences of recent scientific development such as Galvanism and evolutionary thought. The comparative study of contrasting textual forms allows context to influence different interpretations of a text. Ridley Scott’s speculative science fiction film Blade Runner (1992) employs extensive mis-en-scene to subvert the audience’s sense of setting and history-a suspension of belief- enabling contextually dependant perceptions of the film. The films’ setting reflects its context as it echoes the concept of imperfect vision that conceptualises the short-sightedness inherent in the pursuit of perfection. The film juxtaposes the seemingly inherent ethical pretexts of discovery with the scientific community that seeks to create a perfect race, thus Blade Runner’s scientific context becomes reminiscent of fascist Nazi Aryan ideology, IVF programs and the Human Genome project. Conversely Frankenstein utilises its sublime Swiss setting to increase the plausibility of the themes which allow them to resonate with audiences as they relate to the texts context. Contrasting textual form is used to highlight how the context of each text enables their concurrent themes to resonate and remain relevant to 21st century audiences. Distinctive contexts are accentuated through similar theme content. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly indicate that efforts to ‘defy’ the natural order are responsible for the enduring sense of misery and alienation that sustains the overall melancholic tone of both texts. Animal Imagery is used extensively within Blade Runner to reveal the primal nature of raw, native emotion of the ‘replicants’, a reflection of parental neglect which renders them incapable of understanding their emotions. Similarly Frankenstein juxtaposes the idyllic nature of childhood with the abandonment of parental responsibility to highlight the confusion behind the monsters ‘ugly’ exterior, therefore provide insight into creations’ place as the ultimate innocent of both texts. Frankenstein and Blade Runner establish the creations’ as the victims of both physical and emotional negligence who ultimately confront their creator to correct the flaw which isolates them from the world. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly utilise content to highlight the creations as the source of destruction to reveal the true nature of monstrosity, the senseless creators. The pursuit of knowledge at the expense of a moral framework is identified as the creators’ ultimate fatal flaw. As the creations of both texts reflect upon and highlight their unnatural qualities, they reveal how their creators can no longer attain the sublime. Victor highlights his exile from the sublime as he recounts how his actions and subsequent inaction ‘deprives the soul both of hope and fear’ contributing to his demise. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly evoke a development of critical literacy and knowledge of genre at a macro level that enables distinctive contexts to gain prominence and influence the understanding or interpretation of their respective genres as a whole. The contextualisation of Frankenstein and Blade Runner is used to provide insight into the reception of texts as it challenges the contemporary values of the audience. Frankenstein draws parallels with Greek mythology as it establishes Victor as a modern Prometheus while also addressing elements of Jewish mysticism as the ‘monster’ exhibits qualities similar to the golem of Prague. The text is also reminiscent of Godwin and Wollstonecraft, however, is inherently less optimistic about society’s realistically attainable level of perfection, both physically and economically. In stark contrast, Blade Runner addresses perfection as achievable in a commercial sense ‘commerce is our goal here at Tyrell’ however as Deckard states ‘nobody is perfect’ he highlights the shortcomings of forgoing the moral obligations inherent in the pursuit of commerce which ultimately enable an evaluation of humanities moral boundaries. Blade Runner pays homage to the representation (particularly through film and television) of the 1950’s detective film-noir to reveal a rendition of post-modern expressionism. The reflection of commerce as a postmodern cultural imperative establishes the relationship between socio-economic status and pastiche consumption. Consequently, humanity is ‘created’ and traded with this ‘transformation of everything into commodity’ (Byers, 1990) becoming a reflection of the context of Blade Runner following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the economic strength of the United States during the films production. In essence the distinctive context of Frankenstein and Blade Runner reflects the interpretation and perception of the genre, textual form and content over time. The comparative study of these distinctive contrasting contexts allows audiences to reflect on the enduring power of parental and moral responsibility, deliberate action or inaction and the features that define humanity. The key reflections in which the audience understands how they are positioned by composers as a result of their context is especially important in allowing moral assessments throughout the text. Frankenstein and Blade Runner are two texts who successfully explore the nature in which humans interpret their humanity as a response to a contextualised stimulus. Blade Runner ultimately reveals the establishment of emotional understanding as a definitive characteristic of being human, while incidentally Frankenstein explores the features of humanities collective consciousness which enable an individual to belong through emotional dependence. The comparative study of Frankenstein and Blade Runner allows audiences gain a further understanding into the way contexts are accentuated through assessments of conceptualised fiction which explore the themes and issues which forms the unique identity of humanity.

Friday, November 15, 2019

College Admissions Essay: Cabells Jurgen Speaks to My Heart :: College Admissions Essays

Cabell's Jurgen Speaks to My Heart    When I was in high school I just liked this book because it was bawdy and picaresque. The older I get, though, the more I return to it and the more it speaks to my life. I only recently realized that it's a comment on Goethe's Faust, too. But then despite several starts I've yet to read Faust all the way through and I've read Jurgen four or five times.    Because of Jurgen I've read other books by Cabell, and even acquired a fairly rare set of his works. I haven't read them all yet, but I've read some. Some are just entertainments, but in others he melds good storytelling with something deeper. His Figures of Earth, for example, is not only a funny book, but it says much that's painfully true about our existence that I've never heard another author say. The way he mixes satire and humor and wit and a statement about humankind all together is something I aspire to in my own writing.    From Jurgen I got the first outside confirmation that someone other than me found life to be a profound dark comedy. I already felt this, but didn't trust in my own feelings. In school I was encouraged to see life as a very serious affair, and to dismiss the comic point of view as being pleasant but trivial. But I didn't and don't believe any of that in my heart. Jurgen helped me listen to my heart.    As it happens, I don't think there's really anything to be done about it. For better and for worse, my writing is at least somewhat comic even when there are serious issues at stake, and I can't change who I am or how I see things. But I've also learned over the years that comedy and tragedy are very close. The difference is not so much one of subject matter but of attitude. Both can encompass serious issues. And while tragedy is the mode of regret, comedy is the mode of forgiveness.    Without intending it, I find that everything I write turns out to be about folly, illusion, self-deception.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Keynes Theory of Income and Employment Essay

The term ‘classical economists’ was firstly used by Karl Marx to describe economic thought of Ricardo and his predecessors including Adam Smith. However, by ‘classical economists’, Keynes meant the followers of David Ricardo including John Stuart Mill, Alfred Marshal and Pigou. According to Keynes, the term ‘classical economics’ refers to the traditional or orthodox principles of economics, which had come to be accepted, by and large, by the well known economists by then. Being the follower of Marshal, Keynes had himself accepted and taught these classical principles. But he repudiated the doctrine of laissez-faire. The two broad features of classical theory of employment were: (a) The assumption of full employment of labour and other productive resources, and (b) The flexibility of prices and wages to bring about the full employment (a) Full employment:- According to classical economists, the labour and the other resources are always fully employed. Moreover, the general over-production and general unemployment are assumed to be impossible. If there is any unemployment in the country, it is assumed to be temporary or abnormal. According to classical views of employment, the unemployment cannot be persisted for a long time, and there is always a tendency of full employment in the country. (b) Flexibility of prices and wages:- The second assumption of full employment theory is the flexibility of prices and wages. It is the flexibility of prices and wages which automatically brings about full employment. If there is general over-production resulting in depression and unemployment, prices would fall as a result of which demand would increase, prices would rise and productive activity will be stimulated and unemployment would tend to disappear. Similarly, the unemployment could be cured by cutting down wages which would increase the demand for labour and would stimulate activity. Thus, if the prices and wages are allowed to move freely, unemployment would disappear and full employment level would be restored. Say’s Law:- 1. Say’s Law is the foundation of classical economics. Assumption of full employment as a normal condition of a free market economy is justified by classical economists by a law known as ‘Say’s Law of Markets’. 2. It was the theory on the basis of which classical economists thought that general over-production and general unemployment are not possible. . According to the French economist J. B. Say, supply creates its own demand. According to him, it is production which creates market for goods. More of production, more of creating demand for other goods. There can be no problem of over-production. 4. Say denies the possibility of the deficiency of aggregate demand. 5. The c onceived Say’s Law describes an important fact about the working of free-exchange of economy that the main source of demand is the sum of incomes earned by the various productive factors from the process of production itself. A new productive process, by paying out income to its employed factors, generates demand at the same time that it adds to supply. It is thus production which creates market for goods, or supply creates its own demand not only at the same time but also to an equal extent. 6. According to Say, the aggregate supply of commodities in the economy would be exactly equal to aggregate demand. If there is any deficiency in the demand, it would be temporary and it would be ultimately equal to aggregate supply. Therefore, the employment of more resources will always be profitable and will take to the point of full employment. 7. According to Say’s Law, there will always be a sufficient rate of total spending so as to keep all resources fully employed. Most of the income is spent on consumer goods and a par of it is saved. 8. The classical economists are of the view that all the savings are spent automatically on investment goods. Savings and investments are interchangeable words and are equal to each other. 9. Since saving is another form of spending, according to classical theory, all income is spent partly for consumption and partly for investment. 10. If there is any gap between saving and investment, the rate of interest brings about equality between the two. Basic Assumptions of Say’s Law:- (a) Perfectly competitive market and free exchange economy. (b) Free flow of money incomes. All the savings must be immediately invested and all the income must be immediately spent. (c) Savings are equal to investment and equality must bring about by flexible interest rate. (d) No intervention of government in market operations, i. e. , a laissez faire economy, and there is no government expenditure, taxation and subsidies. (e) Market size is limited by the volume of production and aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. (f) It is a closed economy. The Great Depression was a severe worldwide economic depression in the decade preceding World War II. The timing of the Great Depression varied across nations, but in most countries it started in about 1929 and lasted until the late 1930s or early 1940s. It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century. In the 21st century, the Great Depression is commonly used as an example of how far the world’s economy can decline. The depression originated in the U. S. , starting with the fall in stock prices that began around September 4, 1929 and became worldwide news with the stock market crash of October 29, 1929. From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world. The Great Depression had devastating effects in virtually every country, rich and poor. Personal income, tax revenue, profits and prices dropped. Unemployment in the U. S. rose to 25%, and in some countries rose as high as 33%. British economist John Maynard Keynes argued in General Theory of Employment Interest and Money that lower aggregate expenditures in the economy contributed to a massive decline in income and to employment that was well below the average. In such a situation, the economy reached equilibrium at low levels of economic activity and high unemployment. Keynes’ basic idea was simple: to keep people fully employed, governments have to run deficits when the economy is slowing, as the private sector would not invest enough to keep production at the normal level and bring the economy out of recession. Keynesian economists called on governments during times of economic crisis to pick up the slack by increasing government spending and/or cutting taxes. Criticism of Keynes on Classical Theory:- The law of J.B Say was finally falsified and laid to rest with the writings of Lord J.M. Keynes. He in his book, General Theory, has severally citicized the Say’s La on the following grounds. †¢ Posibility of defficiency of affective demand:- He says that in a compatative market it is not necessory that all income earned is automatically spend on cosumption and investment. A part of Income may be saved and may go to increase individual holdings. There may, thus appear a deficiency in aggregate demand causing overproduction and unemployment in the country. †¢ Pigou’s view on wage cuts:- Keynes criticized the view that a general cut in real wages in times of depression is a cure for unemployment. Keynes is of the view that a general cut in real wages may reduce the aggrigate demand for goods and deepen depression. †¢ Saving investment equality:- The Say’s Law assumes that micro economic analysis can profitably by by applied to the economy as a whole. Keynes rejects this view and says that for the explanation of the general theory of income and employment, the macro economic analysis is required. †¢ Saving investment equality:- Keynes was never convinced of the classical version that interest elasticity can equate savings ad investment. According to him, It is the income not the rate of interest which is the equilibrium force between saving and investment. †¢ Monopoly element:- Say’s Law assumes perfect competition in the economy. Keynes says It is the imperfect completion which in practice prevails in the product and factor market. †¢ Role of Trade unions:- In the contemporary capitalistic world, The trade unions bargain with the employers for the fixation of wages. The state also fixes minimum wages in certain industries. †¢ Short run economics:- Keynes says that, the lenth of long run is not clear in Say’s law. Keynes Theory Of Income And Employment John Maynard Keynes wrote his esteemed book â€Å"General Theory of Employment† in 1936. Keynes has strongly criticised the classical theory in his book. His theory of employment is widely accepted by modern economists. Keynesian economics is also known as ‘new economics’ and ‘economic revolution’. Definition:- â€Å"In short period, level of national income and so of employment is determined by aggregate demand and aggregate supply in the country.† â€Å"Volume of employment depends on the level of national income and output. Increase in national income means increase in employment† The equilibrium of national income occurs where aggregate demand is equal to aggregate supply. This equilibrium is also called effective demand point.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Arms Trade

â€Å"I have seen how easy it is for nuclear contamination to occur, and how hard it is to clean it up†¦. Do nations possess nuclear, chemical and biological weapons because of fear of attack from some other nation, or is it because without them the strong cannot exploit the weak? † Andreas T. The arms trade is a major cause of human rights abuses. Some governments spend more on military expenses than on social development, communications infrastructure and health combined. While every nation has the right and the need to ensure its security, in these changing times, arms requirements and procurements may need to change too. Each year, around $45-60 billion worth of arms sales are agreed. Some two-thirds of sales are made to developing countries. The 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council (US, Russia, France, United Kingdom and China), together with Germany and Italy account for over 80% of the arms sold between 2001 and 2008. Some of the arms sold go to regimes where human rights violations will occur. Corruption often accompanies arms sales due to the large sums of money involved. World military spending had reduced since the Cold War ended, but a few nations such as the US retain high level spending. In recent years, global military expenditure has increased again and is now comparable to Cold War levels again. Recent data shows global spending at over $1. 4 trillion, annually (or $1. 2 trillion at constant 2005 prices). The highest military spender is the US accounting for just under half of the world’s spending, more than the rest of the G7 (most economically advanced countries) combined, and more than all its potential enemies, combined.

Friday, November 8, 2019

George Washington Essays - George Washington, Cities In Virginia

George Washington Essays - George Washington, Cities In Virginia George Washington Steven Sims Social Studies 8-6 4/5/99 Born February 22, 1732, in Westmoreland County, he was the first son of his father Augustine's second marriage; his mother was the former Mary Ball of Epping Forest. When George was about three, his family moved to Little Hunting Creek on the Potomac, then to Ferry Farm opposite Fredericksburg on the Rappahannock in King George County. In the interim, the powerful Fairfax family of neighboring Belvoir introduced him to the accomplishments and appropriateness of mannered wealth and, in 1748, provided him his first adventure. That year Lord Fairfax dispatched him with a party that spent a month surveying Fairfax lands in the still-wild Shenandoah. In the expedition, he began to appreciate the uses and value of land, an appreciation that grew the following year with his appointment as Culpeper County surveyor, certified by the College of William and Mary. Washington also succeeded to Lawrence's militia office. Governor Robert Dinwiddie first appointed him adjutant for the southern district of the colony's militia, but soon conferred on him Lawrence's aide for the Northern Neck and Eastern Shore. So it happened that in 1753 the governor sent 21-year-old Washington to warn French troops at Fort Duquesne at the forks of the Ohio (modern Pittsburgh) that they were infiltrating in territory claimed by Virginia. The French ignored the warning and the mission failed, but when Washington returned Dinwiddie had Williamsburg printer William Hunter publish his official report as The Journal of Major George Washington. It made the young officer well-known at home and abroad. Returning to the Ohio in April with 150 men to remove the intruders, Washington got his first taste of war in a fight with a French scouting party. He wrote to his brother Jack, I heard the bullets whistle, and, believe me, there is something charming in the sound. A second engagement quickly followed and Washington, retreating to Fort Necessity, was beaten by a more numerous French force. He surrendered and, in his ignorance of French, signed an embarrassing surrender agreement. But he had opportunities to correct his defeat. The whistling bullets declared the start of the Seven Years' War, as it was called in Europe. In America it was called the French and Indian War or, sometimes, Virginia's War. Horace Walpole wrote, The volley fired by a young Virginian in the backwoods of America set the world on fire. Washington returned to the field as an aide to General Braddock in 1755 and performed with honor, despite crippling illness, in the disastrous campaign against Fort Duquesne. Later that year Dinwiddie gave him command of all Virginia forces and promoted him to colonel. In these years Washington had two disputes with English officers who viewed their regular-army commissions as superior to that of the Virginia militia commander. These disputes may mark the beginning of Washington's resentment of British attitudes toward the colonies. Operating from a fort at Winchester, Washington protected the Virginia frontier until 1758 when he was made a militia brigadier and helped to chase the French from Fort Duquesne for good. Washington resigned at war's end and retired to Mount Vernon. He was defeated in elections for the House of Burgesses in 1755 and 1757, but won in 1758 and was seated the following year from Frederick County. For 15 years he devoted himself to his legislative work and his farm. During this period, he also became a family man, marrying the widow Martha Dandridge Custis, the mother of two children, on January 6, 1759, in New Kent County. In 1760, Washington took on the additional duties of a Fairfax County justice of the peace. He also found time for the amusements of a Virginia gentlemanfox hunting, snuff taking, plays, billiards, cards, dancing, and fishing. He delighted in bottles of Madeira, plates of watermelon, and dishes of oysters. In these years his anger of the inferiority of American interests to those of England grew. When Parliament attempted to impose the Stamp Act in 1769, Washington told an friend that Parliament hath no more right to put their hands into my pocket, without my consent, than I have to put my hands into yours for money. By 1774 he was in the lead of the defense

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Henry Clays American System Economic Plan

Henry Clay's American System Economic Plan The American System was a program for economic development championed in the era following the War of 1812 by Henry Clay, one of the most influential members of Congress in the early 19th century. Clays idea was that the federal government should implement protective tariffs and internal improvements and a national bank should help develop the nations economy. Clays basic argument for the program was that by protecting American manufacturers from foreign competition, ever increasing internal markets would spur American industries to grow.  For example, companies in the Pittsburgh region could sell iron to manufacturers on the East Coast, replacing iron imported from Great Britain. Various other regions of the country sought protection from imports that could undercut them in the marketplace. Agriculture and Manufacturing Clay envisioned a diversified American economy in which agricultural interests and manufacturers would exist side by side. Essentially, he saw beyond the argument of whether the United States would be an industrial or agricultural nation. It could be both, he insisted. When he advocated for his American System, Clay focused on the need to build growing home markets for American goods. He contended that blocking cheap imported goods would ultimately benefit all Americans. Nationalist Appeal His program  had strong nationalist appeal. Developing home markets would protect the United States from uncertain foreign events. Self-reliance could ensure that the nation was protected from shortages of goods caused by distant conflicts. That argument resonated strongly, especially in the period following the War of 1812 and Europes Napoleonic Wars. During those years of conflict, American businesses suffered from disruptions. The ideas put into practice included building the National Road, Americas first major highway; chartering the Second Bank of the United States, a new national bank, in 1816; and passing the first protective tariff the same year. Clays American System was essentially in practice during the Era of Good Feelings, which corresponded with the presidency of James Monroe from 1817 to 1825. Controversy Arises Clay, who had served as a representative and senator from Kentucky, ran for president in 1824 and 1832, advocating extending the American System. But by that time sectional and partisan disputes made aspects of his plans controversial. Clays arguments for high tariffs persisted for decades in various forms but often met with stiff opposition. In the late 1820s tensions over the role the federal government should play in economic development escalated to the point that South Carolina threatened to withdraw from the Union over a tariff in what became known as the Nullification Crisis. Clays American System was perhaps ahead of its time. The general concepts of tariffs and internal improvements became standard government policy in the late 1800s. Clay ran for president in 1844 and remained a potent force in American politics until his death in 1852. He, along with Daniel Webster and John C. Calhoun, became known as the Great Triumvirate of the U.S. Senate.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Social Performance of a Company Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Social Performance of a Company - Research Paper Example This is experienced because the decision has to be made by a group and not by a sole person as it is done in other sectors. All shareholders have to come into a conclusion (Gunay 2008). Each stakeholder in a corporation is entitled to carry out certain duties in the corporation. Employees are entitled to handle the activities and maintain a harmonious environment for making profits. They are also entitled to make contributions in the decision making since they are the one who have bigger influence on the future of the corporation. Suppliers form an active part of stakeholders, since the corporation relies on them entirely for its deliverance of its services to the target market. The bank plays the role of managing the corporation bank’s account and the transactions that the corporation engage in the process of service delivery. The bank also lends money to the corporation when the need arises. On the other hand, the investors are the most sensitive part of the corporation. Thi s is because they are the one who make a pool of resources to make the corporation run smoothly at all times. They are entitled to the making of major decisions that determine the course of the corporation (Heath 2001). According to Suleyman, the secondary stakeholders are the group that does not directly affect the future survival of the corporation. The group is not involved directly to the corporation. The members of this group include the media and other social facilities. Though the corporation cannot efficiently perform without this group, its operations are not affected in any way by these stakeholders. The media is considered as an essential part by the corporation for the advertisements purpose which in return creates the familiarity of the corporation to the target market hence, earning more customers. All primary stakeholders are considered to be directly related to the success of the corporation but their degree depends on the environment, these are internal and external environment. The internal environment is concerned with the daily activities and the future survival of the corporation, while the external factors have little effect to the corporation activities (Heath 2001). Formation of a coalition in the corporation is the basics to achieve the future goals set by the corporation. Moral appreciation of the stakeholders, no matter their individual investments in the corporation and creation of a platform where all stakeholders will be consulted during the decision making in the corporation is one of the vital strategies that we are targeting. This will give the corporation an added advantage that will go a long way to meet the target set by the corporation of having many individuals wanting to invest in the company since their opinions are addressed by the corporation and at some point implemented by the same corporation they have invested in. It will also strengthen the coalition (Heath 2001). Considering the investors point of view, many of t he potential investors have an altitude of pooling their funds towards a corporation that have a sense of belonging to the society. These are achieved through the corporation participating in the corporate social responsibility. This encourages more individuals to invest in the c

Friday, November 1, 2019

Discussion Board 3-2 Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Discussion Board 3-2 - Research Paper Example This is usually observable even to layman and does not require deep thinking or analysis of the criteria or the process. A test may have low face validity if the structure or outward organization fails to relate to the intended purpose of the test. Face validity is very important since it gives test takers and test users substantial confidence over and increase reliability of a test. Cohen, Swerdlik and Sturnam (2013) reassure that lack of face validity in a test does not discredit relevance or usefulness of the given test. Content validity describes the extent or adequacy of a test covers or samples behaviours or elements that represent a collection of behaviours that the design of a test intended to measure. For a test to have content validity, it must prove to sample or cover part of elements or characteristics of a given item under test. Cohen, Swerdlik and Sturnam (2013) report that content validity is widely important in employment. Test to determine content validity of a given employee analyzes and evaluates skills and behaviour of a given employee with relation to the skills and knowledge desired for a given job

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Human Resources Management Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Human Resources Management - Coursework Example It is important for the organizations to take decisions that would cultivate international business relationship which is important for the organizations. It is especially true in the countries like China, Brazil, Poland, India, Vietnam and other emerging countries. Building strong relationship with the business partners will help the organizations to practice effective business operation. It is important to know the exporters before starting global business operation. The organizations need to protect their brand in international market. Protecting the brand means protecting the intellectual property and image of the organization. The proliferation of counterfeit and piracy goods need awareness when it comes to global trademark, patent protection and copyright. The global organizations should also protect their reputation in the international market by paying attention to the environmental and human rights practices. Maintaining high ethical standards is important for the organizati ons in the international market. Moreover, the organizations should motivate their business partners to maintain the ethical standard in business as it has become one of the critical international business criteria. The organization should establish effective ethical standard and enforce those ethical standards through the internal controlling and monitoring system. Three factors are important for success in global business such as social responsibility, business ethics and corporate governance. The organizations need to bring transparency in these three aspects. It will help them to bring sustainability in the international market. Transparency in the supply chain has become an important priority in this insecure world. Theft and loss of cargo has become greatest concern for the global traders. The organizations need to maintain high security in global supply chain network. The organizations should follow the effective security requirements. Moreover, they should get involved with the programs like custom-trade partnership against tourism. These are government sponsored programs. This will help the organizations to overcome the threat of terrorism in global supply chain process. It is important for the global entrepreneurs to be prepared in order to deal with the critical situations that are not covered in a traditional business plan. The smart and intelligent global entrepreneurs need to be flexible in order to change the course when the situations dictate. It is known to all that the global businesses are personal. It is important for the organizations to resolve the disputes in the business. Identification of problems and resolving disputes will help the organizations to execute effective business performances in global competitive business market. Face to face relationship is the key aspect in global business. Effective relationship with global clients, government of international country and global suppliers will help the organizations to increase their core competency in international market place. Question 2 The Americans with Disabilities Act offers certain individual rights with disabilities. This specific act affects the areas of transportation, public services, employment, telecommunications and public accommodations. The ADA employment provisions have great effect for all businesses (ODEP, 2013). Reasonable accommodations are modifications or adjustments offered by an employer to enable the people with disabilities in order

Monday, October 28, 2019

Job Satisfaction, Work Attitude Essay Example for Free

Job Satisfaction, Work Attitude Essay As stated by Black (2001), teachers’ stress is rising due to such factors as greater time constraints, low salaries, excessive work overloads, lack of involvement in decision – making and problems with school disciplines. Teachers suffer, due to in part of to the low-pay-high-cost-of-living gap. Decisions handed from the top down leave teachers feeling like more trainers than educators. Teaching in low performing schools should be a rewarding experience, yet these schools are labelled failures. These are confounded as some educators are seen publicly lambasting others. The education community is on edge. With all the finger pointing and name calling, it is a wonder teacher can push this negativism out of their minds while they turn their full attention on their students (Nichols, 2006). Furthermore, a nationwide survey conducted by the Rural Editorial Service of the University of Chicago reported in July 2006 that job satisfaction depends also such factors as the community’s attitude toward them and the schools, the quality of educational leadership, the amount of responsibility granted to teachers, adequate housing facilities, teacher welfare benefits, and others. In point of fact, there were signal improvements in teachers’ conditions of service throughout the year. New or liberalized retirement plans were authorized by well over half the states, and class registrations were reduced to thirty in Maryland and Arkansas. In the Philippines, one of the major problems in the Department of Education is the shortage of trained and competent teachers. Major reason of this shortfall is that a number of trained teachers turn to other types of employment and some went abroad for greater employment opportunity. Generally, as observed that some teachers are disillusioned, demoralized and confused at being forced to carry out unpopular Government policies, while being constantly blamed for the society’s ills. Some factors might have created dissatisfaction amongst teachers will probably include references to discipline problems created by unruly pupils, class sizes, the introduction of the National Curriculum, and lowered professional status. Additional factors also include level of salaries and benefits, increased work-related pressures, like having too many forms to be filled up, the here and now changes of different proposed programs of the department, the concern over employment security like the most recently problem on the Government Security Insurance System (GSIS) and lessening support for education on the part of political opportunities. As someone who has spent many years working as a schoolteacher at the same time a School In – charge in one of the schools in Davao City, and had continually work closely with teachers especially in the schools in the interland. I have observe that some teachers are somewhat fed up with having to teach children in even larger classes, working in schools which are dilapidated, underfunded and overstretched. Taking in to account that most of these teachers are working away from their home and family and could only go home weekly, or the least once a month due to the distance of the schools they are assigned. However, districts located in the hinterland such as Paquibato, had most number of teacher applicants every year. Reason of this scenario could be the fact that many teachers are applying for transfer to the nearby schools after a one or two years of service and that applicant could be hired easily. Nevertheless, some teachers had tenured in this district up to their retirement period and some had flourished and raised their professional status and positions. The ground for conducting this study is that it is intended to shed light on what influences how teachers feel about their work and profession so that positive job-related attitudes may be cultivated. Theoretical Background The Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory, a motivation theory, laid the foundation for job satisfaction theory. It is founded in the premise that goals or needs underpin by being the fundamental source of all desires. This theory explains that people seek to satisfy five specific needs in life – physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization. In the levels of the five basic needs, the person does not feel the second need until the demands of the first have been satisfied, nor the third until the second has been satisfied, and so on (Evan,2010). According to Hackman Oldham (2007), Frederick Herzberg’s Two factor theory (also known as Motivator Hygiene Theory) attempts to explain satisfaction and motivation in the workplace. This theory states that satisfaction and dissatisfaction are driven by different factors – motivation and hygiene factors, respectively. An employee’s motivation to work is continually related to job satisfaction of a subordinate. Motivation can be seen as an inner force that drives individuals to attain personal and organizational goals. Motivating factors are those aspects of the job that make people want to perform, and provide people with satisfaction, for example achievement in work, recognition, promotion opportunities. These motivating factors are considered to be intrinsic to the job, or the work carried out. Hygiene factors include aspects of the working environment such as pay, company policies, supervisory practices, and other working conditions. However, Path-Goal Theory contends that the leader must motivate subordinates by: (1) emphasizing the relationship between the subordinates own needs and the organizational goals; (2) clarifying and facilitating the path subordinates must take to fulfill their own needs as well as the organizations needs (google. com,2010) Another well-known job satisfaction theory is the Dispositional Theory (Jackson April 2007). Accordingly, it is a very general theory that suggests that people have innate dispositions that cause them to have tendencies toward a certain level of satisfaction, regardless of one’s job. This approach became a notable explanation of job satisfaction in light of evidence that job satisfaction tends to be stable over time and across careers and jobs. Moreover, a significant model that narrowed the scope of the Dispositional Theory was the Core Self-evaluations Model, proposed by Timothy A. Judge in 1998. Judge argued that there are four Core Self-evaluations that determine one’s disposition towards job satisfaction: self-esteem, general self-efficacy, locus of control, and neuroticism. This model states that higher levels of self-esteem (the value one places on his/her self) and general self-efficacy (the belief in one’s own competence) lead to higher work satisfaction. Having an internal locus of control (believing one has control over herhis own life, as opposed to outside forces having control) leads to higher job satisfaction. Finally, lower levels of neuroticism lead to higher job satisfaction (Wikipedia,2010). Evans (2001), gives eight stages progression for a teacher moving from a modest level of job satisfaction towards a higher level of job satisfaction towards which is helpful. These are the following: first is being aware that there is a problem. Being aware that there is an issue, and agreeing what issue is, is by far the most important aspect of seeking to change a situation. Then devising a strategy. Once they know what the issue is that they are addressing they can start work on devising a strategy to solve it. It is followed by effecting the new strategy. It means that once they have decided what to do, they have to start work on implementing this strategy. Fourth stage is awareness of having made changes work. This implies that there is excellent communication in school. Next stage is perception that this is all worthwhile. By this stage everyone needs to start feeling better about the work being undertaken. Then sixth stage is each teacher needs to feel good about his or her own contribution to the scheme of change. In this way, teachers become not only positive about the change programme, but they also see their contribution as being significant. Seventh is a sense of achievement. This comes from the feeling of a job well done. Lastly is job fulfilment and job comfort. By this stage teachers feel good about themselves and about the job and most important about their ability to affect their meaningful way. However, according to Weis, (2010) job satisfaction can also be seen within the broader context of the range of issues which affect an individuals experience of work, or their quality of working life. Job satisfaction can be understood in terms of its relationships with other key factors, such as general well-being, stress at work, control at work, home-work interface, and working conditions. Stress as defined by Hans Selye, is the non-specific response of the body to any demand made upon it. It is not nervous tension, but the wear and tear of life. Stress describes the effects of the body’s reaction to pressure. The source of stress, called stressor, may be purely physical, social, or psychological. The mind may interpret it as pleasant or unpleasant. Whatever meaning it gives, the mind sends it via two pathways. One pathway, is known as the subconscious appraisal pathway, is responsible for the physical and emotional reflexes of the body. The other pathway, responsible for voluntary actions, is used for perception, evaluation, and decision – making. In this other pathway, the individual is made aware of the environmental demands. As he perceives his situation, he interprets it according to his previous experiences, value system, self-concept, ego-strengths, attitudes and feelings. Emotions are usually aroused which in turn give color to the person’s interpretation (Fabella, 2008). According to Good Health Handbook, life and stress are interwoven with each other. It depends on how you view life and how stress affects you. Stress is a highly individual phenomenon. It is strange in its own way – because when it occurs it becomes difficult for the body and mind to adjust to the pattern of life. However, Fabella stated in his book, that stress can be minimized and channelled for growth and development, and life can be filled with joy, peace, love and security. He added accordingly, that stress- resilient people have been observed to have a specific set of attitudes toward life- an openness to change, a feeling of involvement in whatever they are doing, and a sense of control over events. He further said that man who places his entire self in the sphere of work neglecting love (family) and play (sports, hobbies, socializing, friendships) decreases his overall adaptability. If he defines his existence in terms of achievement in his work, he will find that if for external reasons (i,e. , poor health) or boredom ( loss of interest or loss of faith in his employer) his work loses meaning, then so will his life. He will become demoralized, confused, and unable to function. Mayo Clinic stated that there is a link between work approach and job satisfaction. Work is often approached from three perspectives. Usually all three perspectives are important for job satisfaction, but one is often the priority: First is, Its a job. If you approach work as a job, you focus primarily on the financial rewards. In fact, the nature of the work may hold little interest for you. Whats important is the money. If a job with more pay comes your way, youll likely move on. Next is, Its a career. If you approach work as a career, youre interested in advancement. You want to climb the career ladder as far as possible or be among the most highly regarded professionals in your field. Youre motivated by the status, prestige and power that come with the job. The third is, Its a calling. If you approach your job as a calling, you focus on the work itself. You work less for the financial gain or career advancement than for the fulfillment the work brings. One approach isnt necessarily better than the others. But it is helpful to reflect on why work if unsatisfied with the job and are ready to move on. Think about what originally drew on the current job, and whether it may be a factor in lack of job satisfaction. Additionally, the Clinic noted several ways to increase job satisfaction depending on the underlying cause of the lack of job satisfaction. One is by Improving job skills. Keeping abreast to the new strategies and techniques, and by attending seminars. Developing a new project also helps. Working on something one care about can boost confidence. Mentoring a co-worker. Once a job is mastered, it is a becoming routine. Helping a new co-worker or an intern advance his or her skills can restore the challenge and the satisfaction you desire. However, when personal abilities do not match the responsibilities, boredom will attack. Keep in mind that boredom can literally be deadly if a job involves working with machinery or caring for people, much more on dealing with children. If the mind is wandering to the point that a life or the lives of others is put in jeopardy, take action now. Stay positive. Use positive thinking to reframe thoughts about the job. Changing one’s attitude about work will not necessarily happen overnight or increase job satisfaction overnight. Stop negative thoughts. Put things in perspective. Look for the silver lining. Reframing can help find the good in a bad situation. Learn from mistakes. Failure is one of the greatest learning tools, but many people let failure defeat them. Be grateful. Gratitude can help focus on whats positive about the job.